2017 7 Tools Survey

Your Name*
Does the Local use automated calls (Robocalls or phone-banking) to contact members?
Who is the voice for automated calls? Check all that apply:
What is the purpose for using automated calls to members? Check all that apply:
Does the Local use mass text messaging to reach members?
How often does the Local use mass text messaging?
Does the Local send any of the following to members in the mail? Check all that apply:
How many publications were sent to members in the last year?
Does your Local have a website?
For example, LIUNA's is www.Liuna.org
How often is the website updated?
Does the Local have an official business or organizational page on Facebook that is monitored by the Local?
No, if it's a personal page or just a listing of the Local's address and hours
How often is the Facebook page updated?
Is the Local collecting email addresses from members?
Is the Local using mass email to communicate with members (notices, newsletters, publications)?
Does the Local use LiUNA! Orange branding materials?
Does the Local use any of these materials with the LiUNA! Orange branding?
Check all that apply
Does the Local proactively reach out to the news media?
Was the Local mentioned in the news media in the last year?
Would you like more information about any of the 7 Tools?
We can give you a call back and help you get started on using websites, social media, robocalls - all of the 7 Tools!